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– Shopify Authorize.Net compatibility updates: September 27, 2024

∗ Note: If you need help setting up high-risk Authorize.Net credit card processing for your Shopify website, please fill out the short form below, and we will assist you right away.

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09/27/2024 Shopify Authorize.Net migration cut-off extended again… But not for everyone

Active Shopify merchants that use Authorize.Net as their payment gateway just got some more time to migrate to Authorize.Net’s new Shopify integration. But, there is at least one caveat – only active businesses that have processed transactions using the legacy Authorize.Net Shopify integration within the last 6 months will be temporarily grandfathered.

Although the Authorize.Net knowledge base article on the Shopify migration does not reference that inactive merchants will not be grandfathered, Authorize.Net has notified some, if not all, affected business owners directly.

Here are the details and exact dates based on conversations with active merchants and industry colleagues:

Shopify has adjusted to the following guidelines for migration:

September 30, 2024 – Shopify will deactivate any merchant using the legacy Authorize.net integration who has not processed a transaction in 6+ months.

March 2025 – Shopify has delayed the requirement to migrate your Authorize.net connection until March 2025 for any merchant actively transacting in the last 6 months.

As always, if you sell a regulated or restricted product and need help processing payments in the USA or Canada on your Shopify website, don’t hesitate to contact us anytime for fast, friendly advice.

07/05/2024 When is Shopify’s new cut-off date for migrating to the new Authorize.Net plug-in?

Shopify website owners who use the old Authorize.Net plug-in have been given 2 additional months to move to the new Authorize.Net Shopify plug-in. The new cut-off date for implementing Authorize.Net’s new connection to the Shopify platform is September 30th, 2024. The prior cut-off date was June 30th of this year.

Below is the exact verbiage from the Authorize.Net knowledgebase and links to the original post by Authorize.Net regarding the Shopify plug-in transition.

Migration Details for the Authorize.net Shopify Plugin

Shopify is enhancing its payment platforms and processing functionality. In response, Authorize.net is developing a new connection to the updated Shopify platform. This article provides information to help you plan ahead for this change. The changes to your Shopify account will need to be made by your Shopify Administrator, but the process will be quick and easy.

Due date for migration: September 30, 2024

New Authorize.net Plugin: https://apps.shopify.com/authorize-net

Steps for the Migration

The migration process will involve a few steps: installing the new application, activating the new application, and deactivating the old application. Future communication will provide all necessary details. To continue offering existing and new customers the option to pay by card at checkout via the Authorize.net gateway, you need to install the new Authorize.net payments app and deactivate the old one on your Shopify dashboard.

Migration/Upgrade Guide: https://authorize.net/support/shopify-platform-update.html

Source: https://support.authorize.net/knowledgebase/Knowledgearticle/?code=KA-04246/

06/21/2024 Yes, Shopify still integrates with Authorize.Net!

There has been a lot… A LOT… of confusion about Shopify and Authorize.Net this year. Let’s put some misconceptions to rest.

Does Authorize.Net still work with Shopify even after the 2024 Shopify platform updates?

Yes, absolutely. But you do need to update your site. If you have a Shopify site that uses or plans to use Authorize.Net, you can rest assured that, regardless of what you have heard, Shopify is NOT discontinuing Authorize.Net as a supported payment gateway.

However, you must update your Authorize.Net Shopify plug-in, or your integration will break. Thankfully, this is pretty straightforward. Below are two helpful links that will provide everything you need to transition an existing account.

Authorize.Net mandatory migration steps: https://support.authorize.net/knowledgebase/Knowledgearticle/?code=KA-04246

Authorize.Net support instructions for existing Shopify users: https://www.authorize.net/support/shopify-platform-update.html

*If you need a NEW Authorize.Net payment gateway or high-risk merchant account, you can contact us today for help. 

10/07/2022 Shopify restores Authorize.Net as a supported payment gateway

Great news for high-risk businesses: Shopify has added the Authorize.Net payment gateway back to its list of supported USA payment gateways.

It was a challenging few weeks for many, but we are happy to see things are back the way they were. We have confirmed this positive change via their support staff and their integration pages.

If you need help with a new high-risk Authorize.Net payment gateway for Shopify, contact us any time.

Reference: https://www.shopify.com/payment-gateways/united-states

09/27/2022 You can make Authorize.Net work with Shopify- but you may not need to

Earlier this month, without warning or explanation, Shopify removed Authorize.Net as one of its supported gateways. For businesses that sell regulated items online like premium cigars, tactical items, CBD, smoking accessories, and nutritional supplements this was very disruptive.

There are still ways to connect Shopify to Authorize.Net – but there are also alternatives.

Why is the removal of Authorize.Net from Shopify a big deal for high-risk website owners?

The removal of Authorize.Net as a supported payment gateway for new integrations matters to high-risk websites because Shopify’s main alternative – Shopify Payments – explicitly prohibits most regulated and age-restricted products. Additionally, Shopify – in 2018 – similarly removed support for the NMI payment gateway which is also popular with high-risk businesses.

What should high-risk businesses that sell on Shopify do now that Authorize.Net is no longer an option?

There are workarounds that allow Authorize.Net to integrate with Shopify

If because of personal preference, outside integrations, or other legacy reasons you would like to use Authorize.Net – and you also prefer to remain with Shopify – we do have tested workarounds that allow for the use of Authorize.Net within a Shopify website.

How do Shopify Authorize.Net workarounds function?

These app-based solutions vary in cost and complexity but they do feel like stable options so far. Usually designed to offer other features, like seamless upsells or a different recurring billing system, these 3rd party workarounds have one thing in common – they connect to Shopify, and they connect to Authorize.Net. This allows high-risk website owners to use them as a bridge between their payment gateway and the Shopify shopping cart. This can, of course, add some costs and complexity.

Contact us anytime and we will pass on what we’ve learned and what others are doing to solve their Shopify AuthNet integration challenges.

There are other ways to connect Shopify to high-risk payment processing besides AuthNet

Although Authorize.Net, and before it, NMI were our preferred methods to connect Shopify to high-risk payment processing, there are other gateway solutions that still work. Although our real-world data is still limited, switching gateways can eliminate the need for additional 3rd party software to connect high-risk payment processing to Shopify.

Important note: In order for your payment processing to be high-risk, both the payment gateway and the merchant account must allow your exact products or services. If you have questions or need help with a high-risk Shopify payment gateway for your website, please contact us anytime for free friendly advice.

Changing website builders and exporting your products is an option

Some high-risk website owners are simply deciding for themselves that an open source solution like WooCommerce is the best fit for their website. This WooCommerce article details not only how to export product information, but some reasons why some high-risk businesses have chosen to make the switch.

• WooCommerce: How to migrate from Shopify and why
• Shopify Payments restricted items: These can be found by scrolling halfway down the Shopify Payments Terms and Conditions

09/19/2022 Rumors of Shopify adding Authorize.Net back as an option appear unfounded

This week we spoke to along time industry insider who seemed hopeful that the Shopify Authorize.Net schism would soon be bridged.

Our contact explained that he had contacts close to the situation and that the issue had something to do with back-end reporting requirements. Our contact was told that these issues were not insurmountable and in fact, he expected Shopify to add Authorize.Net back within a couple of days.

Unfortunately, subsequent updates have not been promising. Apparently, the issue was more complicated. At this point, we are operating under the assumption that Authorize.Net may not return as an option and making workaround recommendations accordingly.

09/09/2022 – Shopify, without any known announcement, quietly removes Authorize.Net as a payment gateway option

We have independently verified, via both live chats with Shopify support and via a phone call with Shopify customer service that Shopify – without prior notice or announcement that we are aware of – has removed Authorize.Net as a supported payment gateway. We were told, while on a 3-way call with a certified Shopify developer, that this change was effective yesterday, September 8th, 2022.

Not only did Shopify not make any announcement on their website that we can find, but from our two interactions with their staff, it was not well announced to their support folks either. Disseminating information through a large company like Shopify is difficult, but we only point out their confusion because businesses may end up receiving conflicting or outdated information. Both of the Shopify support staff members we interacted with were surprised that Authorize.Net was no longer on their list of supported gateways.

Both times we were asked to wait while the reps spoke to supervisors and eventually notified us that yes. It was true: Shopify will no longer allow for new Authorize.Net integrations.

Also of interest is that as of the writing of this post, Authorize.Net support articles, integration information, and numerous – unedited or notated – Shopify forum posts still speak of Authorize.Net and Shopify as if nothing has changed.


We have seen this movie before. NMI discontinued by Shopify in 2018

In 2018, again – apparently with no notice, Shopify removed its support for new businesses using the NMI payment gateway. This change, and the lack of notice surrounding it, cause a lot of headaches for businesses that had already built a Shopify store, set up their NMI gateway, and were simply waiting to integrate and launch. With the exception of some NMI-specific platforms like ClickFunnels, the NMI removal from Shopify’s supported gateway list was at least blunted by the fact that business owners could ask their merchant account provider to switch the gateway interface from NMI to Authorize.Net. This time, things are more challenging.

Reference: https://community.shopify.com/c/shopify-discussions/nmi-support/m-p/414044

High-risk merchants are left confused and fearful

There is no way to overstate the disruption this will cause to high-risk merchants about to launch their websites.  Websites selling CBD, pipes, and glass, adult toys, premium cigars, tactical items, make money from home courses, nutritional supplements, and countless other categories are understandably upset.

Shopify Payments has a long list of prohibited uses which encompass many, if not most high-risk businesses we encounter. Many businesses have spent countless hours and thousands of dollars building out their Shopify site. Now, it appears they will not be able to accept credit cards using Shopify. Although Shopify still supports dozens of low-risk and international payment gateways, NMI and Authorize.Net – along with smaller players like ePN – are by far the most common way to integrate high-risk payment processing. Without those integrations, many fear they will have to move their site to an open-source solution like WooCommerce.


Existing businesses appear to be grandfathered

According to the reps at Shopify our team spoke and chatted with, existing Authorize.Net integrations will not be affected. This is at least a sliver of good news.

Need help accepting credit cards on Shopify?

We work hard to gather information and provide solutions. If you would like to be kept up to date or have any questions, please reach out to us any time using the short form below.